About the purchase method of spring mattress

Mattresses are an indispensable thing in people's lives. Most people don't have a comprehensive understanding of spring mattresses. They feel soft is comfortable. In fact, you should choose a suitable spring mattress according to your physique and age. The purchase of spring mattresses should follow some principles to help you find a spring mattress that suits you.

First, before buying a spring mattress, mattress wholesale price,we must first understand whether the main structure of the mattress is ergonomic? Whether it can provide the human body with moderate support, when lying on it, can maintain a most natural and comfortable state, without the slightest pressure and reluctance.

Second, test the elasticity of the mattress before purchasing the spring mattress. Since the human spine is not a straight line, but a shallow S-shape, it needs proper hardness support. A bed with a healthy spring system and a spring mattress should be used for comfortable sleep. Therefore, mattresses that are too soft or too hard are not required. Suitable, especially for children who are in the developmental stage, the quality of the mattress will directly affect the child's spine development.

Third, consider the size of the mattress. When purchasing a spring mattress, add 20 cm to the most appropriate size for your height. In addition to leaving space for pillows and stretching your hands and feet, you can also reduce the pressure during sleep.

Fourth, choose spring mattresses according to personal sleeping habits. Because everyone has different requirements for soft, hard and elastic mattresses, you should understand your personal sleeping habits before buying a spring mattress. Especially the elderly need to pay special attention to their sleeping habits. A mattress that is too soft is easy to fall. It is difficult to get up. For the elderly with loose bones, it is better to choose a mattress with a higher hardness.

Fifth, you should choose a well-known brand that is trustworthy and has good after-sales service when purchasing spring mattresses. Because, in the mattress market, there are not only hundreds of manufacturers, whether imported or domestic, but consumers must have the correct purchasing concept and judgment ability. When buying spring mattresses, they should choose well-known brands with good reputation, perfect after-sales service and guaranteed quality. At the same time, remember to ask for the original manufacturer's guarantee or the guarantee from the agent or distributor. Don't be fooled by the superstition that the import tariff is the original imported mattress.

Sixth, when buying a spring mattress, try lying and turning in various postures to feel the support of the mattress on the spine and whether it can give a good and even support to the spine. Do not just touch the mattress with your hands or hips. When buying a mattress, you should lie down and feel the touch and hardness of the mattress.


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